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College kids and first timers, rent boys and ass-for-cash street walkers mature hunks and married men getting their hands dirty with young teens. If you are searching for real Gay hardcore, you just found it. Three short stories detailing the explicitly penned theme of gay teenaged sex some boys shy and nervous, their first time to do it, others hard, hot and randy but all greedy for cock. Detailed, hard and explicit and aimed at broadminded adults and over 18's only. Please note that these shorts have been taken from previously released material, some even from the best sellers lists, but now bundled together so please check titles in case you have read them before 'The College Boy Cum-Slut', 'The 18 Year Old Gets 'Bear-Busted', 'I Pay Young Guys to Sleep With Me'īest selling erotic author, Tosh Turner with an explosive, explicit sex-feast of teenaged cock-filth graphically written to arouse and satisfy. Hardcore 'mature with teen' for all those who prefer explicit erotica as opposed to romantic slush. Three short stories detailing the explicitly penned theme of gay teenaged sex – some boys shy and nervous, their first time to do it, others hard, hot and randy but all greedy for cock.

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